Travels with Grandad

The challenge this week was to do a rhyming piece on travel. This is what I did. Feels a bit unnatural but that’s probably because it wasn’t of my choosing (I’m such a goat…)

I’m sitting at the railway station
waiting for my train,
going to see my grandad
who’s twenty one again.
He’ll sit me on his knee and smile
and talk about his life,
of all the things he saw and did
before he met his wife.
I’ll close my eyes and rest my head
upon his big strong chest,
he’ll tell me of his travels
(he knows I like that best).
My grandad has been everywhere,
he’s travelled far and wide
but home is where he’s happy now,
with his family by his side.
Sometimes when he’s talking
his smile will disappear
and I know he’s thinking of a place
that’s full of pain and fear,
a place in Poland long ago
he didn’t choose to be –
it’s where he met my grandma
and they dreamed of being free.
I sit and watch my train arrive,
rumbling down the track
and wonder why my grandad
didn’t bring my grandma back.
Some journeys only go one way,
is what he’ll say to me
and then he’ll go all quiet
and lift me off his knee.
Maybe when I’m older
I’ll start to understand
why travelling can be frightening
when the journey isn’t planned.